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Socially Blind Rage

"A self-centered man faces the consequences of his past mistakes."


I made this short film while studying film at Cedarville University, in collaboration with several other students here. It was my first producing experience and I learned a lot, especially with working with a larger film crew and other creatives.



Dir: Josh Cable

Writer: Dawson Strong

Prod: Josh Cable

Ex. Prod: Sean O'Connor

DP: Josh Cable

Editor: Paul Miller & Haley Thompson



Guy: Josiah Kareck

Girl: Rachel Richardson

Waitress: Natalie Downing



ADs: Josh Cable & Elizabeth Kollmar

Prod. Design: Josh Cable

ACs: Haley Thompson, Parren Carnahan

Audio: Caleb Carlson, Trevor Glaum, Owen Gray

Costume Design: Josh Cable

Makeup: Haley Compton, Rachel Richardson

Colorist: Haley Thompson

Sound Editor: Paul Miller

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